K - Government Blog is a Carlos Guadián Orta's initiative, in order to to share and transmitte information and knowledge on all what implies the application of the Information Technologies and the Communication (ICT) to political, social and administrative processes.
At present, he works for TAO- gedas as Communication and Contents advisor, collaborating also with Própolis Club.
We all guide ourselves and orientate ourselves, mostly, for google on the network. We can not deny its importance. Consequently and taking that the first results are those that are consulted into account. Which idea is going to be had in the international area if one looks for information on e-government in Spain and the following result appears to it in first position?
Spain takes an e-Siesta it is the title of an article published by the IfG.CC (The Institute for eGovernment is the German eGovernment Competence Center). Of course itdoes not make us have a first very good impression.
Anyway it has to be taken into account that the article is of a year ago. It bases on the report auna 2003 and Spain is situated in the position 14 from 15 members of the UE. What things!