Monday, March 14, 2005
Very Important Blogger (V.I.B.)
It's true that the blog has political influence on the blogosphere and that is used every time more in the campaigns as part of the electoral strategy is. The fact that Internet there is adpopted the structure of one scale free-network, as says Barabási, more importance implies that certain nodes for its appeal acquire than others.
As we can read in Netpolitique"VIB: tous les bloggers politiques ne sont pas égaux in voix ", the influence of the blogs depends of its meritcracy position in the blogosphere, that is, the importance and influence of a blogger will depend on the talent and the fame. Through them currents of opinion are canalized and it is of course a new tool to take it into account for the politicians.
To know about the importance of certain bloggers, can tempt to the political training to offer a payroll to these and that they are decanted ideologically. It is true that it is an important electoral weapon, but that type of risks enter in the rate of uncertainty that every good democracy must have.
To finish to name to Surftips-seniorer, where Anita Rissler is added to talk about us from Sweden...
Technorati Tags: blog, e-politics, barabasi, vib, egovernment, e-government
Sweden the First, Spain the ninth
Congratulations for Sweden for having according to the report of Cap Gemini Ernst&Young's "on-line availability public services: How is Europe processing?"the first put in sofistificación of on-line services, whereas Spain does not surpass the ninth position. The difference with Sweden is 23% meanwhile with the last country (Luxembourg) the difference is 17%. It is not unwell, but people have to keep working...
Technorati Tags: e-government, egovernment, europe, sweden, spain
Monday, March 14, 2005
Very Important Blogger (V.I.B.)
It's true that the blog has political influence on the blogosphere and that is used every time more in the campaigns as part of the electoral strategy is. The fact that Internet there is adpopted the structure of one scale free-network, as says Barabási, more importance implies that certain nodes for its appeal acquire than others.
As we can read in Netpolitique"VIB: tous les bloggers politiques ne sont pas égaux in voix ", the influence of the blogs depends of its meritcracy position in the blogosphere, that is, the importance and influence of a blogger will depend on the talent and the fame. Through them currents of opinion are canalized and it is of course a new tool to take it into account for the politicians.
To know about the importance of certain bloggers, can tempt to the political training to offer a payroll to these and that they are decanted ideologically. It is true that it is an important electoral weapon, but that type of risks enter in the rate of uncertainty that every good democracy must have.
To finish to name to Surftips-seniorer, where Anita Rissler is added to talk about us from Sweden...
Technorati Tags: blog, e-politics, barabasi, vib, egovernment, e-government
Sweden the First, Spain the ninth
Congratulations for Sweden for having according to the report of Cap Gemini Ernst&Young's "on-line availability public services: How is Europe processing?"the first put in sofistificación of on-line services, whereas Spain does not surpass the ninth position. The difference with Sweden is 23% meanwhile with the last country (Luxembourg) the difference is 17%. It is not unwell, but people have to keep working...
Technorati Tags: e-government, egovernment, europe, sweden, spain