Saturday, March 12, 2005
John Daly and 24 Timmars Bloggen 
Ah and following with the gratitude of the last day today I want to name to a Swedish blog 24 Timmars Bloggen, that it recommends K-government. And also to thank to John Daly for contributing with our url to Development Gateway in the sections of blogging and ICT applications for development.
Technorati Tags: blog, k-government
Wireless, WiMax, bluetoth, umts, gprs, through the air, but also we can give e-government services transferring them by car. Putting availably of the citizens' mobile offices, where with wireless connection they can carry out their on-line formalities. To set vans up is cheap and effective. Of example you can see the Mobile Consumable Offices of Valencian Government. But not only to approach the teleprocedure, it is also been able bringing the selective collection as in Hospitalet del Llobregat (Catalonia). Or transport a library in a bus to places where one is not had as it does the Diputación of Barcelona.
Euro mGov 2005 sponsored by Mobile Governement Consortium International, the next month of July in Sussex, England, will be celebrated where:
The Transition from e-government to m-government: All around the world various governments are facing an inevitable e-direction: using mobile technologies, applications and services in enhancing e-government efforts. Out of these efforts mobile government emerges and constitutes the next wave of e-government evolution.
Interesting applications in this field we can find the newer Irish initiative based on the shipment of sms. It is true that the connectivity, which the convergence of devices and our greatest predisposition to the use of mobiles and wireless connections orientates the provision of services on the part of the administration to the m-Government.
The future is bringing the service to the citizen. On-line way, mobile telephone or if not bringing it to their house...
Technorati Tags: m-Government, e-Government, eGovernment
Saturday, March 12, 2005
John Daly and 24 Timmars Bloggen 
Ah and following with the gratitude of the last day today I want to name to a Swedish blog 24 Timmars Bloggen, that it recommends K-government. And also to thank to John Daly for contributing with our url to Development Gateway in the sections of blogging and ICT applications for development.
Technorati Tags: blog, k-government
Wireless, WiMax, bluetoth, umts, gprs, through the air, but also we can give e-government services transferring them by car. Putting availably of the citizens' mobile offices, where with wireless connection they can carry out their on-line formalities. To set vans up is cheap and effective. Of example you can see the Mobile Consumable Offices of Valencian Government. But not only to approach the teleprocedure, it is also been able bringing the selective collection as in Hospitalet del Llobregat (Catalonia). Or transport a library in a bus to places where one is not had as it does the Diputación of Barcelona.
Euro mGov 2005 sponsored by Mobile Governement Consortium International, the next month of July in Sussex, England, will be celebrated where:
The Transition from e-government to m-government: All around the world various governments are facing an inevitable e-direction: using mobile technologies, applications and services in enhancing e-government efforts. Out of these efforts mobile government emerges and constitutes the next wave of e-government evolution.
Interesting applications in this field we can find the newer Irish initiative based on the shipment of sms. It is true that the connectivity, which the convergence of devices and our greatest predisposition to the use of mobiles and wireless connections orientates the provision of services on the part of the administration to the m-Government.
The future is bringing the service to the citizen. On-line way, mobile telephone or if not bringing it to their house...
Technorati Tags: m-Government, e-Government, eGovernment