Tuesday, March 22, 2005
RedTacton is a new Human Area Networking technology that uses the surfaceof the human body as a safe, high speed network transmission path.
In this way it describes RedTacton. An interesting technology! Try to imagine what can suppose to apply it in administration, citizen participation, identifying, dataflow, etc.
Who does venture?
Technorati Tags: new+technologies, redtacton, e-government, egovernment, egov, e-gov
Social Software and eGovernment
As Robert Putnam says in Bowling Alone, all what favors the growth of the social capital, through the construction of redes ciudadanas is good. As it can be read in THE NETWORK-EMPOWERED CITIZEN How people share civic knowledge online of the Professor Stephen Coleman.
One of the goals of the government has to be to favor the development of its citizens, using for that those tools that give impulse to the participation together with the commitment of all the society.
Through the new technologies this situation can be favored. A virtual space of debate and of flow of knowledge can be created. A social network that really favors the development can be woven. For which in the same way that in the game theory, the biggest profit originates not from a game of addition zero but of one of colaborative strategy.
Such has to be invested in solutions as Up "My Street or BBC iCan in those that are considered spaces that in a case a neighborhood joins and in the other one a subject of interest. Weaving socially we will strengthen our society.
And talking about networks, this morning José Luis orihuela has recommended K-Government in eCuaderno and consequently the traffic has been increased more than the double. In every network there are nodes of greater importance and influence. They are the safest connections and especially those that more bring together, from there its importance.
Technorati Tags: social+software, social+capital, citizen+network, participation, e-government, egovernment, egov, e-gov
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
RedTacton is a new Human Area Networking technology that uses the surfaceof the human body as a safe, high speed network transmission path.
In this way it describes RedTacton. An interesting technology! Try to imagine what can suppose to apply it in administration, citizen participation, identifying, dataflow, etc.
Who does venture?
Technorati Tags: new+technologies, redtacton, e-government, egovernment, egov, e-gov
Social Software and eGovernment
As Robert Putnam says in Bowling Alone, all what favors the growth of the social capital, through the construction of redes ciudadanas is good. As it can be read in THE NETWORK-EMPOWERED CITIZEN How people share civic knowledge online of the Professor Stephen Coleman.
One of the goals of the government has to be to favor the development of its citizens, using for that those tools that give impulse to the participation together with the commitment of all the society.
Through the new technologies this situation can be favored. A virtual space of debate and of flow of knowledge can be created. A social network that really favors the development can be woven. For which in the same way that in the game theory, the biggest profit originates not from a game of addition zero but of one of colaborative strategy.
Such has to be invested in solutions as Up "My Street or BBC iCan in those that are considered spaces that in a case a neighborhood joins and in the other one a subject of interest. Weaving socially we will strengthen our society.
And talking about networks, this morning José Luis orihuela has recommended K-Government in eCuaderno and consequently the traffic has been increased more than the double. In every network there are nodes of greater importance and influence. They are the safest connections and especially those that more bring together, from there its importance.
Technorati Tags: social+software, social+capital, citizen+network, participation, e-government, egovernment, egov, e-gov