K - Government Blog is a Carlos Guadián Orta's initiative, in order to to share and transmitte information and knowledge on all what implies the application of the Information Technologies and the Communication (ICT) to political, social and administrative processes.
At present, he works for TAO- gedas as Communication and Contents advisor, collaborating also with Própolis Club.
In next presidential of the United States the Blogs they will be key
The new law of financing of the parties in the United States leaves to the Blogs outside the fiscal control. We go that if already had begun to be strategic in the electoral campaigns from now on they are key:
In a 6-0 the votes, commission decided to regulate only paid political ads you please on to another person's website.
The decision means that bloggers and online publications will not be covered by provisions of the new election law. Able Internet bloggers and individuals will therefore be to uses federal the Internet to attack or support candidates without running afoul of campaign spending and contribution limits.