K - Government Blog is a Carlos Guadián Orta's initiative, in order to to share and transmitte information and knowledge on all what implies the application of the Information Technologies and the Communication (ICT) to political, social and administrative processes.
At present, he works for TAO- gedas as Communication and Contents advisor, collaborating also with Própolis Club.
Wanted 50, innovators in the Spanish public administration
...The past 12 of December from Própolis we published the first one Monographic of the Most innovating Professionals of the Public Administration in Spain. Through as we presented/displayed the 50 people who, by their trajectory within the Public Administration in Spain, more value have contributed in the modernization and the innovation of the same one.
In addition, some of the proposed professionals explain, in first person and from its experience, which think that they are the keys that we must consider successfully to confront the innovation and the modernization of our public administrations... (From Própolis Club)