K - Government Blog is a Carlos Guadián Orta's initiative, in order to to share and transmitte information and knowledge on all what implies the application of the Information Technologies and the Communication (ICT) to political, social and administrative processes.
At present, he works for TAO- gedas as Communication and Contents advisor, collaborating also with Própolis Club.
At the time of studying the abstention had never been counted with a tool as valuable as this curious initiative Not Apathetic .
The driving people's link of Not Apathetic is the intention of not voting in the next poll in the United Kingdom. They intend the citizens and even the ones that do not have allowed to voting, to expose their reasons to share them with the rest.
They do not intend has been written to influence the way of acting as the politicians, but it is a platform so that it is known for which the people are not going to vote.
My Society has developed the place. They have specialized in developing sites to promote the citizen participation. I already named them a time ago when I talked of e-participation in e-government.