Monday, March 27, 2006
RBS workshop, best networking
I have arrived does already awhile of Santiago de Compostela, where this one weekend has been celebrated first socialist days of network of blogs.
I do not go to relataros which has been these two intense days of tables of communications, to char them and workshop. For that already has done it, very well by the way and on the fly, Mari Light Naredo in Ovetus and Ricardo Cavero in Europa. Other references to way summarize, already introduced by Lourdes Muñoz in her blog, Enrique Dans in his or the entrance of "El agujero de gusano"
These days have the added value in which the materialization of a network initiated in the virtual thing, finishes being expensive. A pleasure has been everything to know personally mentioned-above and others like Pepe Zaragoza, Enrique Dans (The Blog de Enrique Dans), Carmen Sanchez Carazo (Derribando Barreras), Fernando Jáuregui (Ocio Crítico), Montse Boix (Women in Network), Enric Sopena (The Plural One), Marisa Soleto (Foundation Women), Jose Cepeda, Zuriñe Vázquez (Restlessness mosaic and calms) or fireproof Miguel Segovia Angel. As also it it has been to return to talk with Toni Roig (Palma amb ma esquerra) and of course with Enrique I castrate (Blog de Enrique Castro), that is the one that has mounted all the shed. And how not to thank for to Noa its presentations, Lorena to be ours cicerone and Manolo along with to have done the others that everything has been an pleasant experience.
The days have been developed in the classroom of computer science of the faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Santiago. He has been peculiar, I have has even been mentioned by some of the ponentes became rare not to see the faces to them of the public so that these were consulting through Internet data that were occurring, consulting blogs of which they spoke simply or posteando. But what I have liked more it is that it has at least pierced the message that we have tried to send, at least in three of the assistants, poor men have been the unique ones who to nine in the morning were hoping for my factory. These three boys have decided to take a step more in the blogosfera, where Iván Rodriguez has opened "Corner of the Thinker", and that with Luis Valcarce, who already for months he has been writing"Democracy and Socialism"and Naxo has started up blog communitarian of the Xuventudes Socialist of Santiago. Spirit, now already is question of perseverar...
In conclusion, a very positive experience in all the senses and I hope that for the rest also it it has been. And of course the one that it wants to unload the presentation that I have used for my factory is possible to be unloaded from K-Government Group. What is of your interest!!!
Tags: blogs workshop RBS document
Monday, March 27, 2006
RBS workshop, best networking
I do not go to relataros which has been these two intense days of tables of communications, to char them and workshop. For that already has done it, very well by the way and on the fly, Mari Light Naredo in Ovetus and Ricardo Cavero in Europa. Other references to way summarize, already introduced by Lourdes Muñoz in her blog, Enrique Dans in his or the entrance of "El agujero de gusano"
These days have the added value in which the materialization of a network initiated in the virtual thing, finishes being expensive. A pleasure has been everything to know personally mentioned-above and others like Pepe Zaragoza, Enrique Dans (The Blog de Enrique Dans), Carmen Sanchez Carazo (Derribando Barreras), Fernando Jáuregui (Ocio Crítico), Montse Boix (Women in Network), Enric Sopena (The Plural One), Marisa Soleto (Foundation Women), Jose Cepeda, Zuriñe Vázquez (Restlessness mosaic and calms) or fireproof Miguel Segovia Angel. As also it it has been to return to talk with Toni Roig (Palma amb ma esquerra) and of course with Enrique I castrate (Blog de Enrique Castro), that is the one that has mounted all the shed. And how not to thank for to Noa its presentations, Lorena to be ours cicerone and Manolo along with to have done the others that everything has been an pleasant experience.
The days have been developed in the classroom of computer science of the faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Santiago. He has been peculiar, I have has even been mentioned by some of the ponentes became rare not to see the faces to them of the public so that these were consulting through Internet data that were occurring, consulting blogs of which they spoke simply or posteando. But what I have liked more it is that it has at least pierced the message that we have tried to send, at least in three of the assistants, poor men have been the unique ones who to nine in the morning were hoping for my factory. These three boys have decided to take a step more in the blogosfera, where Iván Rodriguez has opened "Corner of the Thinker", and that with Luis Valcarce, who already for months he has been writing"Democracy and Socialism"and Naxo has started up blog communitarian of the Xuventudes Socialist of Santiago. Spirit, now already is question of perseverar...
In conclusion, a very positive experience in all the senses and I hope that for the rest also it it has been. And of course the one that it wants to unload the presentation that I have used for my factory is possible to be unloaded from K-Government Group. What is of your interest!!!
Tags: blogs workshop RBS document