Wednesday, March 22, 2006
If they do not take advantage of Web 2.0 Why not to do it we? 
We are always speaking of Web 2.0 and of the new opportunities that offer to the politicians to be able to approach the citizens more. We are always lamenting ourselves that does not know to remove all the benefit that had. We always told that tools as blogs and wikis favors the development of the activity in network of the citizens and their political activity. We are convincing that the social networks are the future and of it has, the success that obtain services in the style of to frienster, mySpace, Tagged...
Then good, if we joined all these affirmations we reached the conclusion that we are those who we must take advantage of those tools that to us Web 2 offers.0 to fortify our political activity, we will reach the conclusion that if they are not they we will have to be. And this conclusion has been the one that has impelled the creation of Essembly. It has at least been the idea that impelled Joe Green that being known Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of and having to its backs the salary participated in the presidential campaign of Kerry it decided to start up Essembly.
Essembly it is the first social, nonin favor network of political character. It is a network that is based on the affinity by political profile, that is defined with making discussions, but mainly with the acceptance or not of affirmations that the other members make. It is possible to be entered discussion on any proposed topic on the other hand, or by the proposed ones by one same one.
When registering itself one answers a questionnaire of questions relative to subjects such as the intervention of the state in the social development, the free market, the violence and sex in mass media, if the United States must right to exert the preventive war... We go a slight positioning so that they can locate to you in "American" the political phantom. From this point whenever one enters it proposes an affirmation of another person and the possibility of voting it and of adding a commentary on the matter. Actions can be formed groups, be proposed affirmations, be looked for users, be proposed...
A good way that can include the action of the citizenship outside the norms and often rigid ideology and that comes given by the parties in a sense top-down.
How minimum it is an interesting tool and that I am sure that if had an retort in Castilian would have enough acceptance. I am conscious that the political structure is totally different in the United States and Spain, the representative system of parties and is very different and that the individual action always is primate much more there who here. But since we complained whenever our politicians do not do the correct thing Why not to do it we?
PS, if it pricks the curiosity and you want to you to show the nose to clikar in the following connection for registraros HTTP:// com/register/code=k-government Invitation is not needed and you will enter the group directly that I have formed. Information through Personal Democracy Forum Technology is Changing Politics.
To prove it!!!
Tags: e-government social+network essembly politic+network web+2.0 politics citizenship
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
If they do not take advantage of Web 2.0 Why not to do it we? 
We are always speaking of Web 2.0 and of the new opportunities that offer to the politicians to be able to approach the citizens more. We are always lamenting ourselves that does not know to remove all the benefit that had. We always told that tools as blogs and wikis favors the development of the activity in network of the citizens and their political activity. We are convincing that the social networks are the future and of it has, the success that obtain services in the style of to frienster, mySpace, Tagged...
Then good, if we joined all these affirmations we reached the conclusion that we are those who we must take advantage of those tools that to us Web 2 offers.0 to fortify our political activity, we will reach the conclusion that if they are not they we will have to be. And this conclusion has been the one that has impelled the creation of Essembly. It has at least been the idea that impelled Joe Green that being known Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of and having to its backs the salary participated in the presidential campaign of Kerry it decided to start up Essembly.
Essembly it is the first social, nonin favor network of political character. It is a network that is based on the affinity by political profile, that is defined with making discussions, but mainly with the acceptance or not of affirmations that the other members make. It is possible to be entered discussion on any proposed topic on the other hand, or by the proposed ones by one same one.
When registering itself one answers a questionnaire of questions relative to subjects such as the intervention of the state in the social development, the free market, the violence and sex in mass media, if the United States must right to exert the preventive war... We go a slight positioning so that they can locate to you in "American" the political phantom. From this point whenever one enters it proposes an affirmation of another person and the possibility of voting it and of adding a commentary on the matter. Actions can be formed groups, be proposed affirmations, be looked for users, be proposed...
A good way that can include the action of the citizenship outside the norms and often rigid ideology and that comes given by the parties in a sense top-down.
How minimum it is an interesting tool and that I am sure that if had an retort in Castilian would have enough acceptance. I am conscious that the political structure is totally different in the United States and Spain, the representative system of parties and is very different and that the individual action always is primate much more there who here. But since we complained whenever our politicians do not do the correct thing Why not to do it we?
PS, if it pricks the curiosity and you want to you to show the nose to clikar in the following connection for registraros HTTP:// com/register/code=k-government Invitation is not needed and you will enter the group directly that I have formed. Information through Personal Democracy Forum Technology is Changing Politics.
To prove it!!!
Tags: e-government social+network essembly politic+network web+2.0 politics citizenship