K - Government Blog is a Carlos Guadián Orta's initiative, in order to to share and transmitte information and knowledge on all what implies the application of the Information Technologies and the Communication (ICT) to political, social and administrative processes.
At present, he works for TAO- gedas as Communication and Contents advisor, collaborating also with Própolis Club.
The past Wednesday 22 of March Própolis - project led by Tao-gedas and Muliplica - e Infonomía they made days on the limits of the marketing that the public administrations you could make on themselves from its presences online. The administrations begin to have important levels of traffic in their presences online. They must take advantage of that traffic to transmit certain values? in order to sell a certain image of the territory that represents? in order to present projects it nails of the legislature? in order to sell the work of its teams of government?
If it interests to you you have all the cover of the day published in Própolis